Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Myths and Legends...

Miss Kemal's 7ENW class have been working away at writing their own myths to explain some of life's natural events! Check out what they came up with!

Why Night Comes At The End Of Day by Samuel Ward

A long long time ago, up on Mount Olympus, there lived two princes (Night and Day). One day Zeus decided that he needed someone to help take care of when and when not to sleep. He wondered to himself who better than princes Night and Day. So he sent a letter in the beak of a bird to them both.

A little while later a very tired bird arrived at their home. The bird squawked as Night and Day squabbled to get the door. After reading the letter, they fought until Zeus shouted, “STOP! This is an outrage. Stop fighting the both of you! There’s only one way to settle this. A joust!”

So the next day, the joust was held brother versus brother. In the end they drew (causing even more mayhem) but Zeus was a fair man and decided that Night could take the night shift as he had better eyes for seeing in the dark. So Day agreed to take the light shift. And that’s why night comes at the end of day.

Why Dog is a Man’s Best Friend by Mia Willoughby

There’s one question I have always asked through life and that has been: ‘why is dog man’s best friend?’ and now I know why...

Many, many years ago, it was a wonderful day in crystal city where flowers were blooming and birds were singing, but then it went downhill. Sakora, Zeus’s son, asked for a dog! Zeus said no of course and Sakora shouted with rage. He vowed he’d get his revenge and he knew exactly how. Sakora went to the temple of Thisadop looking for the sacred box. When he found it, he said, and I quote, ‘this is your fault father!’ and opened the box. What came out of the box was the destroyer of worlds himself, Kronos! Chaos spread through the city and Sakora was very pleased but he didn’t know what would follow... Suddenly, he was grabbed from behind by Kronos. He thought he was safe but one person or thing saw him, a dog. The dog followed them unseen, instantaneously, Kronos turned round to find the dog pouncing at him. The dog ripped his heart out and killed him.

When Zeus found out, he was over joyed and thanked the dog for saving his home and son. After that, he vowed that all dogs everywhere should be cared for by a caring man and then he said to his son ‘son, you are bad and I could immediately disown you, but I am not going to, you can have a dog and be a caring man to also look after a dog but if you do this again, I won’t be as forgiving’ and everybody, that is how dog came man’s best friend.

Why Night Comes at the End of Day by Jodie Wiggins

Once upon a bright, sunny day, the sun was shining high in the deep, blue sky. She was watching the earth, slowly making her long and calm journey around the outskirts of the spherical planet. If she watched closely, she could see all the little people, happily enjoying the magical light she was radiating. As the day went by, sun started to worry. Although she had a happy and cheerful life, she was haunted by the moon. Every night she watched closely to see where the moon would appear.

As soon as she saw a glimpse of the pearly white moon, she quickly ran away to another part of the world leaving only pitch black darkness until the moon arose. The moon was a mean menace that thought that he was far more important than the sun. He always teased her and made fun of her brightness. As well as the moon, she had to contend with the moon minions – stars!!! One night, before the sun had a chance to run away, the moon caught her. He was being extremely mean and ruder than normal which really upset the sun.

So that morning, the sun didn’t rise! The moon was tired of glowing all night and needed a rest. But sun was so upset she had lost her shine! What would moon do…?

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